Companies & Museums making Money using Masterpeices, Technology, Digital Art and NFTs

Companies & Museums making Money using Masterpeices, Technology, Digital Art and NFTs

Museums around the world are increasingly turning to digital technologies to enhance their offerings and engage new audiences. Companies like LaCollection and Cinello, work to integrate NFTs and digital art into museum experiences.

LaCollection partners with museums to create and sell NFTs of famous artworks. This platform allows collectors to purchase and own digital versions of masterpieces, making art more accessible to a global audience.


Cinello specializes in creating high-quality digital reproductions of famous artworks in partnership with museums. They offer Digital Artwork (DAW®) that are authenticated and framed replicas of originals. This technology supports conservation efforts by sharing revenue with the institutions.
Source - Cinello

The Louvre's Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass

This VR experience allows visitors to explore Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting in unprecedented detail, offering a deeper understanding of the artwork and its subject.

Smithsonian's Cellphone: Unseen Connections

This exhibition uses interactive technology to explore the evolution of mobile phones and their impact on society, engaging visitors through an interactive group chat and a graphic novel displayed on gallery walls.